Cambodia North Zone Phnom Penh

Week 81: Vietnamese Miracle

Mar 25, 2024

This was a really fun week! We met with our friend Bong Seng Thai three days in a row because he asked to meet every day. He is so awesome. He came to all 3 hours of church on Sunday because we have combined second hour and he even asked to go visit members with us. He also wants to go to General Conference in Utah so hopefully I'll get a chance to meet him at the October session. He really has a strong desire to learn more and wants to get baptized! Hopefully over the next month or two we can really help prepare him.

Super awesome miracle this week though! We did a Family Home Evening at this member's house who goes to the Vietnamese branch as well. Her daughter is currently a sister missionary in our mission, Sister La, so we wanted to do an FHE with their family.

Almost 10 years ago my cousin, John, served his mission in Cambodia and was called to serve in the Vietnamese branch. I haven't served there so I don't know anyone who would know him, but I asked Sister La and her mom if they knew my cousin John and when I showed them a picture their faces lit up and Ming Kim told me she remembered my cousin John very well. It was super awesome to make that connection and to know my cousin had an impact on them.

We have transfers next week so p-day will get pushed back to Wednesday. Talk to y'all next week!

Elder Mendenhall

📸 All the photos:
Current - Phnom Penh:

Ta Khmau

A sampling:

My cousin John on the right and Sister La as a child on the left