Cambodia Kambol

Week 71: ...The Cops Are Outside

Jan 15, 2024

Hello everyone! Quick email this week, but this was such a great week. Even though I'm exhausted it was all worth it.

We started teaching a few new people this week. Bong Vandy and his wife Bong Da, and Pu Savuth and his wife Bong Vy. They are all such sweet people and so happy to hear about the Gospel!

We met them for the first time this past week and they all came to church on Sunday with their kids! So awesome. Heavenly Father has definitely prepared them. Please pray for all of them!

Let me explain the title real quick. On Saturday we came home for lunch a little late because we had a lesson. Right as we were about to leave the house to go back out, we hear banging on the door. I open the blinds and there are 3 Khmer cops standing on our porch with a security guard. They started asking me and Elder Job for our passports and visas. We keep them at the mission home but luckily, I had a copy of mine. For a second I thought they might arrest us or something, but it all turned out ok.

This week we had the most people at sacrament meeting since I've been in the area. Too many people to fit in our little chapel. Good problem to have. It was definitely a little stressful, but so amazing to see. I have so much love for all of them.

In a couple of weeks we'll be moving to a bigger building though and everyone was very happy to hear that!

Please pray for Kambol!

Elder Mendenhall

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