Cambodia Ta Khmau

Week 60: Back to the Basics

Oct 30, 2023

Hey everyone! Super fun p-day today so don't have much time. Shout out to East Zone!!

This week has been really good though. We've been working with some inactive members trying to get them to start coming back to church and a few of them came on Sunday which was a huge miracle. And we keep running into more! Lots of people that Heavenly Father is trying to help bring back to His fold.

We had MLC (Mission Leadership Council) this week and it was great. As all of the missionaries presented, we all talked a lot about going back to the basics as missionaries and kind of having a fresh start with everything. Based on all the presentations, discussions, and the feeling of the Spirit, I could tell that what we were talking about was from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ guiding us all to help our mission grow.

My កូន, Elder Nielsen, is also a beast. He's killing it and we're having such a fun time out here in Ta Khmau. I love it!

I got to do an exchange with my Texan brother Elder T again this week and it was so fun. Sister Huntington was also on an exchange in Ta Khmau and brought her guitar, so we went and sang some hymns to a couple of members, and it was so cool. The Spirit was so strong, and it was such a cool way to do missionary work. Some kid also hooked me and Elder T up with some Pokémon cards. Clutch.

Last week this 19-year-old kid walked into the church and asked, "Is this the Seventh-day Adventist Church?" (which is across the street). We told him no, but that our church was pretty awesome. He wanted to learn more so we finally were able to meet him yesterday. He already knows a lot about Christianity, and I can tell he has a strong testimony. Bong Jarom (Jones) pulled up while we were teaching him and was able to share some experiences and his testimony with our new friend, Ramid. It was definitely the Hand of the Lord guiding us all to that time and place.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Mendenhall

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Current - Ta Khmau


Phnom Penh

A sampling: