Cambodia Battambang

Week 35: Short and Sweet

May 08, 2023

Hello everyone! I'm sorry my emails just keep getting shorter and shorter, but I seem to have less and less time every p-day somehow! 

This past week has been awesome with Elder Hunt in Battambang though! All he wants to do is work hard and stay positive and I love it. We're really trying to really get this area up and running again and we've been able to see many miracles already through the blessings of our Heavenly Father. We've been able to set up a lot of return appointments and I've gotten in contact with quite a few investigators that I wasn't able to last transfer, so things are already getting better! 

I forgot to mention last week that we ended last transfer with a baptism for our friend ម៉ាក់យាយរ៉ុមឈឿត (grandma Rom Chout)! I have never seen her happier! She was glowing. She wasn't able to come to church last week because she lives pretty far, but please pray for her that she will be able to come to church this upcoming Sunday to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

God loves you!


Elder Mendenhall


📸 All the photos:

Current - Battambang

Phnom Penh

A sampling: