Week 29: The Gift of Hands
Hello everyone! This is going to be a short one! So sorry. I feel like it is progressively getting harder to write emails every week as the mission goes on, and I am also losing determination to write every week. I feel like I have less and less time each week to write emails, but I will endure!
Battambang has honestly gotten off to a rough start, but no matter what, I am just happy to be here! There are so many people that I'm trying to get to know and remember, but it is so hard memorizing new faces and names, especially when the names are Khmer, but I know God will help me so much to help these people this transfer! A couple of people that are very easy for me to remember are two of our investigators named Heng Ganha and Sok Veasna, because they are two very special people that God has prepared for the Gospel. Both Heng Ganha and Sok Veasna are deaf and have been learning with many different elders over the past few months. I wouldn't think that there would be many people that could use sign language with them, because it's not very common in Cambodia, but there is one person who can sign to them and teach them. That person is our AP, Elder Sam. He has been blessed with the gift of tongues/hands and is able to teach them over the phone and sign to them. He ends his mission next month, so he is going to come to Battambang to meet them!! It has been such a special experience for me to watch them communicate and learn about the Gospel. I don't understand much at all, but I can feel the Spirit so strongly when I sit in on their lessons. The only thing I can sign to them is love. I wish I could communicate to them more, but honestly, love is all you need. God knows everyone so perfectly! His love never fails to amaze me! I love all of you so much!
Elder Mendenhall
📸 All the photos:
Current - Battambang
Phnom Penh
A sampling: